Hungarian inspection company Mertcontrol acquired by BSI group


May 28, 1999

One of Hungary's leading companies for inspection, testing and certification has been acquired by the British Standards Institution (BSI), known worldwide for its Kitemark of product excellence and as a global leader in setting quality, safety and service standards for industry and commerce.

Mertcontrol has been acquired by BSI as part of its international expansion strategy aimed at making it the preferred supplier of quality and inspection services to the world's leading businesses.

Based in Budapest, Mertcontrol has some 110 employees, and annual sales of more than £1.5m. Mertcontrol has a significant share of the Hungarian commodity inspection market, notably in relation to foodstuffs, agricultural products and consumer goods. Mertcontrol's other shareholders are the Hungarian Ministry of Economy with 25.1% and its Managing Director, Mr Lazlo Dioszeghy with 6.4%.

BSI has an equity interest of 68.5% in Mertcontrol, 44% was acquired directly while the remaining share holding was acquired when BSI bought Mertinvest, a company holding 24.9%. Mertcontrol is the latest BSI acquisition following last year's changes in its Royal Charter, designed to give greater operating flexibility.

This acquisition will be part of and managed by Inspectorate, a BSI group company. This continues BSI's strategy of offering customers an increasing range of services with a particular emphasis on local delivery. Mr Dioszeghy is remaining as both managing director and a shareholder.  

Wilma Tulloch on +44 (0)20 8996 6330 OR
Marc Edney on +44 (0)20 8996 6330